Technical SEO
Technical SEO is a branch of SEO that deals with the nitty-gritty of technical issues on a website. Technical SEO is important because it affects search engine crawlers, which in turn affect how your site’s content ranks in search engines. A site that’s poorly coded or has broken links or bad redirects will rank poorly, and we want to avoid that as much as possible. So, we run tests to identify potential problems and then craft solutions to fix them.
Most people think of SEO (search engine optimization) as a great way to drive traffic to their website. However, there is another aspect of SEO that should not be overlooked: technical SEO. Technical SEO is the practice of ensuring that search engines can crawl and process your website’s content for indexing. Technical SEO also allows users to have a better experience when visiting a website. In general, good technical SEO includes making sure web pages are not too slow or too large for users to load, making sure internal links work without redirects, making sure Google Analytics is installed, etc.
We run several tests to ensure that our client’s websites are technically sound. These tests include checking the number of broken links on the website, looking at how fast the site loads, looking into how many images are used on the site and if they may be unnecessary, checking font sizes on the site to make sure they are compliant.
Performance isn’t just about speed.
While it’s important that every page on your website loads in under 1 second, and ideally in under 100 milliseconds, there are also other factors that can have an impact on the user experience. For example, a page size over 10 MBs leaves users with a lot of staring at blinking cursors and spinning arrows before they can see any content. It also takes longer for search engine crawlers to download, process, and index your content when the page size is large.